Gulnaz Saiyed : Muslim-American-Desi writer/reader | critical education researcher/designer/teacher/learner | BEARING WITNESS from the hyphens & slashes
My website broke (y tho?) and I’m trying to fix it, so if you want to know more about me, my writing, or my scholarly work:
send me an email at gulusaiyed at gmail dot com
follow me
@gulnazsaiyed on Twitter
@GulnazSaiyed on Medium
and on Facebook
also you can
read some of my favorite essays at Catapult, the Georgia Review, and on Huffington Post
read a study I co-authored, Journalism as Model for Civic and Information Literacies
I’m currently working on a PhD, a YA novel, a collection of essays, and parenting, so I’m good about answering e-mails (because I do want to connect with you), maybe not so good at getting around to updating this website (because my hair would all fall out). So, please, reach out.